View our 2022 NAVSEA NDT Working Group
Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
About Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
Ghostrock’s Quality NDT Group is made up of independent expert consultants for the benefit of any organization utilizing digital radiography, in any form, as a final inspection method. Our firm provides in-person and virtual training to Level II and III personnel, performs system and program analysis, gives certification examinations, assists with NADCAP preparation, and assists with technique development.
Additionally, Ghostrock’s Consultants assist organizations in developing or restructuring their Quality Control programs to comply with ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
Products and Services
Ghostrock provides expert NDT Radiographic Level 3 services to all-sized companies. Our services include Digital Radiography, Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography and Film Radiography training, system selection and analysis, qualification and examination services for all certification Levels, system qualification, procedure, and technique development, and preparation for customer and NADCAP process audits, all to improve production efficiency, improve accuracy and meet customer requirements. All of our independent consultants have been specifically vetted by the company’s Principal Consultants to ensure the highest level of knowledge and professionalism.
- Develop custom training solutions
- NAS410 gap training for the film to non-film transition
- NAS410 and SNT-TC-1A LI and LII training for film and non-film (custom training)
- ASTM Requirements
- Customer requirements such as Aerospace primes: Boeing, Honeywell, Rolls Royce, Safran, etc.
- Film RT, DR, CR, CT (other methods may be available by request)
- Review and approve procedures, written instructions, inspection techniques, etc.
- New system qualification, training, procedures, personnel examinations

Ms. Karen Bruer has worked in Naval maintenance and ship repair for 33 years and in the inspection/quality arena for 28 of those years. Retired from active duty in 2008 after 23 years, she transitioned to Amee Bay, LLC as the Corporate Quality Manager. During her Naval career, she held NDT Level III certifications in non-nuclear Visual Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Ultrasonic Testing, and Radiographic Testing; and nuclear Level III certifications in Visual Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, and Radiographic Testing. Her experience includes extensive Nondestructive Test inspection proficiency and quality control program management, encompassing complex and diversified engineering project research, procedure development, training, and documentation review. Serves on the leadership committee for the Federal Working Group on Industrial Digital Radiography (FWGIDR); Executive Secretary/Treasurer for the Defense Working Group on Nondestructive Testing (DWGNDT), a technical contributor to NAVSEA NDT/QA Working Group; a contributing author to Radiographic Classroom Text and newly published Radiographic Handbook of the American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), contributing author of SSPC Volume 1 Good Painting Practices, Fifth Edition; voting member of ASTM E.07 Committee, American Society of Quality (ASQ) member, and SAE-21 Counterfeit Materials Group member and American Society of Naval Engineers Member. Ms. Bruer is directly responsible for ISO registration/certification of the Quality Management System (QMS) for multiple organizations. She additionally holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational/Industrial Technology from Old Dominion University.

Mr. George Hodges is a consultant for Hodges NDT, LLC providing radiography consulting services for companies in need of assistance with their radiographic programs. He has 30 years of experience as a Test Engineer for the US Army’s Redstone Test Center in Huntsville, Alabama, until retiring in December 2017. During his tenure with the Army, Mr. Hodges earned the position of Government Responsible Level III in RT and designation as a US Army Subject Matter Expert in RT, CR, DR, CT, and Flash X-ray. Responsibilities included implementing and conducting test programs with a wide range of low and high-energy x-ray equipment, Flash X-ray testing on military ordnance and other hardware, and managing the design, procurement, construction, and installation of X-ray test labs and field systems. Mr. Hodges also served over 10 years on the Steering Committee of the Defense Working Group on Nondestructive Testing (DWGNDT) in the positions of Chairperson, Host, and Army Representative. His involvement with the DWGNDT was instrumental in the formation of the Federal Working Group on Industrial Digital Radiography (FWGIDR), where he and two Department of Energy engineers built a team of over 300 industry experts to address many of the shortcomings in the industry regarding Digital Radiography. His education includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on Aerospace Technology from Memphis State University, and extensive training in the fields of Radiography, Flash X-ray, Ballistics, and Environmental testing. He is a certified ASNT Level III in RT and NAS410 Level 3 in film and non-film radiography. Mr. Hodges is an active member of ASNT serving as Regional Director for Region 6, Vice-Chair of the North Alabama Section, and voting member on the ASNT Penetrating Radiation Committee.
Commitment to Our Customers
Our commitment to our customers is of the utmost importance. The needs of our customers always come first. We are committed to delivering the most innovative and cost-effective products, services and solutions available in our industry. By setting and adhering to exceptional customer service standards, we are committed to making our customer’s experience with Ghostrock both unique and rewarding. Ghostrock is committed to partnering with our customers to achieve their ultimate goals.
Connect with Us!
For more information, to schedule a consultation or class, contact: Karen Bruer