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Kiliuda Consulting was awarded multiple task orders to provide facilities, personnel, and related services for day-to-day IT technical services for the DEA El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC),

Kiliuda Consulting was awarded multiple task orders to provide key Information Technology support service for DEA mission operations. IT support includes help desk and desktop support services, system administration, network administration, database administration, software development and maintenance, subject matter expert, information security specialist, configuration management specialist, training specialist, business analyst/tester and records management specialist.

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Kiliuda Consulting was selected to provide a wade range of IT services for DEA under a $29M multi year IDIQ contract.

Kiliuda Consulting was awarded a $29M multi year / multiple award contract to provide the full range of IT services, technical / management expertise, and solution-related enabling services in the areas of (1) Infrastructure Engineering Design, Development, Implementation, and Integration, (2) Operations and Maintenance, (3) (3) Independent Test, Validation, Verification, and Evaluation, (4) Software Development,…