Amee Bay was awarded a MAC/IDIQ contract by Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) to provide marine engineering, technical and installation support for LHD Class Electrical Power Systems.

Amee Bay provided project managers, marine engineers, electricians, mechanics, welders, QA technicians and logisticians to support the ongoing execution of NSWCPD’s In-Service Engineering (ISE), electrical power and generation systems installed on surface ships, submarines, and assault craft. Amee Bay provides support for electrical systems; circuit breakers, Integrated Power Systems (IPSs), Integrated Fight Through Power (IFTP),…

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DEA Logo

Ocean Bay was awarded a follow-on Task Order to provide Training, Mentoring, and Analytical Services for DEA

In support of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Ocean Bay was awarded a follow-on Task Order to provide a full range of Training, Mentoring, and Analytical Services. We will provide training and mentoring services will involve complex investigative and analytical tactics, techniques and procedures and include the following areas: judicially approved communications intercepts, transnational historical…

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Amee Bay was awarded a task to provide life cycle engineering support for pumps, condensers and valves to Code 215 Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC).

Amee Bay provides full-time onsite support to MARMC Code 251 cognizant equipment including Fire Pumps, Fuel/Lube Oil Pumps and Purifiers, Distilling Plants, JP-5 Service/Transfer/Cargo/Stripping Pumps and Purifiers, Main and Auxiliary Condensers, Main Condensate Pumps, Main Seawater Circ Pumps, Potable Water Pumps and Systems, SSDG/SSGTG Pumps, and various types of pumps and piping associated with these…

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The Drug Enforcement Agency awarded multiple task orders to Kiliuda Consulting to support the implementation of an effective INFOSEC governance and oversight program for protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of the organization’s mission critical information.

Kiliuda Consulting was awarded multiple task orders to interpret an implement policies and guidelines as set forth in or by the Federal Information Modernization Act (FISMA), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-12 Federal Standards, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG),…

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NIWC Atlantic selected Ocean Bay to provide Electronic Security Systems drafting support.

NIWC Atlantic selected Ocean Bay to provide Electronic Security Systems drafting support. Ocean Bay provided AutoCAD drafting services in support of the creation and development of routine SIPH Installation Design Plan (IDP) for the 60%/90%/100% IDP. Our drafting personnel provided technical expertise in the disciplines of Integrated Furniture Systems (IFS), Active Infrastructure (AI), Passive Infrastructure…

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DHA Logo

Along with teaming partner Planned Systems International, Ocean Bay was awarded a follow-on task order by the Defense Health Agency to provide training support for various Clinical Inforamtion Systems.

Along with teaming partner Planned Systems International, Ocean Bay was awarded a follow-on task order b the Defense Health Agency to provide training support for various Clinical Inforamtion Systems at US Air Force and US Navy medival treatment facilities across the United States. Ocean Bay trainers provided doctors, clinicians and other medical staff with in-depth…

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Follow on Subcontract with PAE

Eagle Harbor has received a subcontract for our partner PAE to provide technical, operational and administrative support to the Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ National Center for Explosive Training and Research (NCETR) branch.

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