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Amee bay was awarded a task order by Technico to provide research and development, test and evaluation, engineering and fleet support for U.S. Navy ships, submarines and military watercraft.

Amee Bay provided marine electricians, mechanics and QA tecnhicians to complete critical elements of LCAC Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) work packages, including MGT replacements, modernization and repairs. Work was completed on three LCAC vessels at ACU-4 located at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek in Fort Story, VA.

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Amee Bay Logo

Amee Bay was selected to provide blue collar work on the USS Essex for NDI under a $60.5M multi year CPFF contract.

Amee Bay, LLC, a subcontractor to NDI on Contract N64498-18-D0002 / Delivery Order N6449818FMC08, was requested by NDI to provide blue collar work on the USS Essex during her maintenance availability for circuit breaker repairs and assessments during steaming operations. Amee Bay provided subject matter experts and highly skilled electricians, mechanics and logisticians to efficiently…

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DEA Logo

DEA;s Office of Acquisition and Relocation Management has selected Kiliuda Consulting to support overall operations.

Kiliuda Consulting was awarded various task orders to support the DEA Office of Acquisition and Relocation Management to include conference Reporting and coordination, policy procedures reporting, representing DEA at DOJ meetings, coordination of data calls, resource to Program Offices on adherence to policy Communications, DEA Data calls, Congressional Inquiries FOIAs, meeting planning and execution, other…

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Ocean Bay was awarded a contract to provide security engineering services to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).

Ocean Bay will high level project management and engineering support to all projects related to the NGA Security Management Systems. Our personnel will provide Electronic Security Systems subject matter expertize in system design, integration services, technical assesment, and security requirements within multiple networks that included differing data protections / classification requirements.

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NIWC Atlantic awarded Ocean Bay a multi-year Task Order to provide programmatic and lifecycle support for Electronic Security Systems.

NIWC Atlantic awarded Ocean Bay a multi-year Task Order to provide programmatic and lifecycle support for Electronic Security Systems. Work under this contract was comprised of programmatic support, survey, design and systems analysis support for various Prototype, Scaled Pilot, and Sustainment projects. Ocean Bay provided Subject Matter Expertize of the following security and logistics systems:…

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Amee Bay was awarded a MAC/IDIQ contract by Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) to provide marine engineering, technical and installation support for LHD Class Electrical Power Systems.

Amee Bay provided project managers, marine engineers, electricians, mechanics, welders, QA technicians and logisticians to support the ongoing execution of NSWCPD’s In-Service Engineering (ISE), electrical power and generation systems installed on surface ships, submarines, and assault craft. Amee Bay provides support for electrical systems; circuit breakers, Integrated Power Systems (IPSs), Integrated Fight Through Power (IFTP),…

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DEA Logo

Ocean Bay was awarded a follow-on Task Order to provide Training, Mentoring, and Analytical Services for DEA

In support of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Ocean Bay was awarded a follow-on Task Order to provide a full range of Training, Mentoring, and Analytical Services. We will provide training and mentoring services will involve complex investigative and analytical tactics, techniques and procedures and include the following areas: judicially approved communications intercepts, transnational historical…

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MARMC logo

Amee Bay was awarded a task to provide life cycle engineering support for pumps, condensers and valves to Code 215 Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC).

Amee Bay provides full-time onsite support to MARMC Code 251 cognizant equipment including Fire Pumps, Fuel/Lube Oil Pumps and Purifiers, Distilling Plants, JP-5 Service/Transfer/Cargo/Stripping Pumps and Purifiers, Main and Auxiliary Condensers, Main Condensate Pumps, Main Seawater Circ Pumps, Potable Water Pumps and Systems, SSDG/SSGTG Pumps, and various types of pumps and piping associated with these…

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